About This Book
“The Adventures of Gastão in Japan” (Simplified Chinese), the story revolves around Gastão, a young traveler from Portugal who eagerly embarks on a journey with his parents to Japan. Upon their arrival, Gastão and his parents were captivated by the striking duality of Japan’s ancient traditions and state-of-the-art technology.
They were swiftly immersed in the vibrant urban landscape of Tokyo, where towering skyscrapers and dazzling lights illuminated their experience. However, their exploration of Japan also unveiled tranquil pockets of serenity, including peaceful gardens and temples. The enduring presence of ancient customs, like the ceremonial tea ceremonies and the prevalence of kimonos, left them entranced.
Simultaneously, they marveled at Japan’s technological advancements, such as high-speed trains and robotic assistants. Gastão’s journey rewarded him with a profound understanding of Japanese society and culture, as he continued to nurture his curiosity for different cultures and eagerly share his own Portuguese heritage with others.