“As Aventuras Do Gastão No Japão” is the second installment in the Gastão Adventures series. Gastão, a spirited young boy residing in Portugal, possesses an unquenchable thirst for adventure, often accompanying his parents on their journeys to explore novel and uncharted locales. In this particular series, Gastão embarks on a journey to Japan with his parents, delving deep into the intricate tapestry of Japanese society and culture, which seamlessly blends ancient traditions with futuristic innovations.
Japan’s culinary offerings leave an indelible mark on Gastão, with handmade noodles, sushi, Takoyaki, tempura, and okonomiyaki ranking among the most delectable he’s ever encountered. His exploration also grants him the privilege of witnessing iconic landmarks like Mount Fuji, the Tokyo Tower, and the Tokyo Imperial Palace, each showcasing its breathtaking natural splendor. Gastão’s sojourn takes on a timeless quality as he engages in the unforgettable act of feeding the sacred deer at Nara Park, and his enchanted footsteps lead him through the mystical Sagano Bamboo Forest, where towering bamboo trees envelop the surroundings in a near-magical ambiance. Thus, consider this an invitation to join Gastão on his captivating journey through Japan.
As Aventuras do Gastão no Japão
74 pp
Hardback: 9781954145016
Paperback: 9781954145122
Ebook: 9781954145078